Welcome to RoyalLions, where the Maine Coon is the KING of all cats, not just in beauty and stature but in companionship with the unique potential of giving back. Known as the gentle giant, the Maine Coon out sizes many small-medium dogs being the largest domestic cat breed in the world! Originating in the Northeast region of the United States, the Maine Coon is America's only true native breed and the oldest show breed in North America, it is not traditionally known as a EuroCoon which is a marketing term used for those integrating non-domestic lines. Despite their uncomparable beauty, it's their their engaging and comical dispositions which creates an irreplaceable connection and eternal bond. Only those owned by such a well bred creature understands the allure and necessity of sharing one's life with a Maine Coon, while most insist they simply cannot live without one, or a few!
Click on the photos for the name of each cat on this page.

Home of 5 International Winners
RoyalLions Count Blackula
RoyalLions Count Chocula
RoyalLions Lunar Eclipse
of Mtnest
Cloistercoon Graymoor
of RoyalLions
CoonAmor The Groover
of RoyalLions

TICA & CFA Registered Cattery, Est. 2007
MCBFA Approved Cattery 2012
USA Verifiable Pedigrees with
Historical Reputability & Testing
Top Distinguished Show Lines
TICA Outstanding Cattery (18848) since 2010
Inspected annually by Florida Licensed Veterinarian (FL 10449)