Kings of the Castle

IW, SGC RoyalLions Count Chocula

Best Maine Coon Kitten
4th Best AllBreed Kitten
Best Brown Ticked Tabby Maine Coon
Best Maine Coon Kitten
Best AllBreed Kitten
Sire: IW, SGC RoyalLions Count Blackula
Dam: CH Broadsway Puma Girl of RoyalLions
DOB: 15 March 2016 | Brown Ticked Tabby
DNA Negative for HCM
Formally screened for HCM 12/13/19, 04/07/17, 12/28/18, 12/13/19, 4/5/21 via Echocardiogram at the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Center (Gainesville, FL).

We see the strong resemblance of his precious father, IW, SGC RoyalLions "Count Blackula". There's no way to possibly explain his disposition to those who don't know him but he reaches his front legs towards us, as far as he can stretch, as he sits up on his hind legs and head butts us enough to where we can't deny him of being picked up. Such a peaceful intimate creature demanding our attention and embrace. In 2017, he was The International Cat Association's #1 Maine Coon Kitten in the World, 1st in the Southeast Region, 4th Allbreed Internationally while being 8th best Maine Coon in the Adult Championship Class worldwide proves his substantial boning and excellence in structure and temperament. Like his father, he was a phenomenal show cat and traveler. It was wonderful to see the consistency of quality of this breeding line, both father and son, but also health and heart screening evaluations.

IW, SGC Cloistercoon Graymoor of RoyalLions

7th Best Maine Coon Kitten
23rd Best AllBreed Kitten
Best Blue Silver Ticked Tabby Maine Coon
# Best Maine Coon Kitten
# Best AllBreed Kitten
DNA Negative for HCM
Formally screened for HCM 11/18/16, 12/01/17, 12/28/18 & 12/13/19, 4/5/21 via Echocardiogram at the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Center (Gainesville, FL).
Sire: OS, IW, SGC Coonificent Gizmo
Dam: CH Broadsway Novena of Cloistercoon
DOB: 8 October 2015 | Blue Silver Ticked Tabby

IW, SGC Cloistercoon "Graymoor" of RoyalLions is our beloved outcross from the Hudson River. After flying home with us from New York, he soon entered the show circuit running behind a month and yet amazingly still became an internationl winner via an intense show campaign that took him all over the United States. He is the son of LA, IW, SGC Coonificent Gizmo of Cloistercoon X CH Broadsway Novena, a close relative to Redford and Tarzanna, two of our most beloved senior cats. The pursuit of retaining their lines led me to a good friend David Billingsley who we coined as "the Maine Coon Breeder of All Time". Since, he has retired but his knowledge in genetics and typing is unsurpassed. We are quite grateful he shared this beautiful boy with us who has proven to be cream of the crop in terms if size, typing, and disposition. Graymoor thinks he earned his name because he is "more Gray" but I have told him, "No, no Graymoor, you are named after the beautiful Graymoor Mission across the Hudson River where you were born!" He shakes his head side to side in a silly manner and just head butts me as if he's saying whatever mom!!

Broadsway Popo Chan of RoyalLions

Sire: RW, SGC Mainelyclassic Night Owl
Dam: Mainelyclassic Saki of Broadsway
DOB: 11 May 2013 | Red Silver Classic Tabby
DNA Negative for HCM
Formally screened for HCM 05/30/14, 07/17/15, 07/01/16, 04/07/17, 12/28/18 & 12/13/19 via Echocardiogram at the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Center (Gainesville, FL).
And Cats as well as Kings like flattery.
One day, when Mark Twain was about to enter a room, two kittens came running up. Twain opened the door, bowed to the cats and said, “Walk in, gentlemen, I always give precedence to royalty.”
Robert Southey

Popo Chan (who we refer to as (Popo Chan the Biscuit Man) is a Puff Monster! Popo was to be placed as a Pet by Broadsway Cats in N. Carolina, until the prospective owner was deemed unstable for adoption. We happened to be looking for a high-quality outcross. When we saw his images, we knew he possessed the makings of the grandest of Lions. Obviously, the PuffMon had a glorious coat which would be harder to maintain but who cares with such a magnificent lion, we were willing to be a slave to this creature just to have this beauty. He has fabulously shaped ears, a clean elegant profile, and a subsantial frame. Most importantly, his health history and pedigree has been historically stable, and his disposition totally charming. It was his engaging character, as well as his father's whom we met in person that sold us. When Po sees us, he stands on his tippy toes and begins to puff up while making biscuits appearing as if he is growing in size (lol). In honor of his incredible solid black father, RW, SGC Mainelyclassic NIGHT OWL bred by Rae Sammis , we named Popo Chan after an Owl popular in Japan known as the Northern White-faced Owl (Ptilopsis leucotis), a species of the Strigidae family, who in a defense response blows up massively when confronted by a predator. When Popo was to be named, I haphazardly googled owls that puff, we were shocked to find a match. Po is truly magical in his ability to "puff" but also in how he engages everyone, nobody being a stranger. Popo Chan could have easily been a phenomenal show cat but due to family issues, we weren't able to show him the year he was acquired. Our plans are possibly to show him in the alter class upon retirement or perhaps an offspring. So far, his litters have been consistent in health and beauty with "over the top" dispositions.

The luxurious "Popo Chan" at about 6 months,
breeding hormones can diminish coat